28 February 2011

State Board Examinations

Our State Board Licensing Exam results just came in & our graduates represented us extremely well!

15 of the 16 students sent to State Exam passed!

In addition there where 2 PERFECT SCORES (100%) that came from our school...

Susan Hawk, Lima
Stacy Klausing, Ottawa 

We're very proud of all our newly licensed Massage Therapists!!

Ohio State School Registration #02-0520-1636T

16 February 2011

Our website...

Visit us online at www.iotm.edu for our current course catalog and an extensive list of career enhancements available. Career enhancements will give you a distinct competitive advantage after graduation and are not available at any other massage school in Ohio. Students can choose 100 hours of Career Enhancements as part of their curriculum, at no extra cost!! 

Ohio State School Registration #02-0520-1636T

Our students...

I was asked, “what does your typical student look like?” It made me reflect on just who they are and what makes them so successful.  Well let’s see… we have students who enter our school with a GED, we also have students with Master’s Degree, that’s interesting...  We also have students right out of High School and retired truck drivers, that’s interesting… We have working Moms, working Dads, some of them raising their family as a single parent, that’s interesting…  We have unemployed and displaced workers.  We have ministers, probation officers, waitresses, factory workers, nurses and students who live with their parents.  We even have students who attend our school full time and another college full time as well.  WOW that is all interesting!

All in all, our students look just like you!!!

Ohio State School Registration #02-0520-1636T