25 June 2013

Medical or Spa Massage: Which is right for you?

Lately in the massage community, many people are noticing a divide between two fields of massage; clinical, or medical massage and wellness, or spa massage. These fields, while both equally important, are fairly diverse. We would like break down these differences and also inform you of classes we offer right here at IoTM to help you decide which industry is best for you.

Spa massages taught at IoTM include: hot stone body massage and muscle toning facial massage (also with paraffin or clay). These types of massages focus on the satisfaction and relaxation of the client. The environment is private and attention must be made to details such as music, aromatherapy and high-end linens, in order to retain your client base. If you choose this field of massage, you would charge your client by a set number of minutes and tipping would be expected.

Medical massages offered at IoTM include: cancer massage and pregnancy massage. These massages focus on functional outcomes and results must be measureable. Medical massages typically occur in a doctors offices, chiropractic clinics and hospitals. Prices are typically defined by insurance companies and tipping is rarely involved.

When deciding on your future massage field, it is important to note that all areas of professional massage have therapeutic value. You will be helping people either by providing essential relaxation and stress relief or a medical necessity. Both are equally important, as stress and tension is often the root of physical pain. Which field will you choose?