25 February 2013

The Growing Acceptance of Massage in the Medical Field

    Across the globe and locally in our area, massage is gaining more and more acceptance by the medical community as a legitimate option to address health concerns. In a study conducted by the American Massage Therapy Association, they concluded that 50% of their respondents claimed they were “encouraged by their doctor to receive a massage” and 61% said their doctor “recommended they get a massage1”. Furthermore, an increasing amount of doctors, chiropractors and hospitals are hiring massage therapists because of demand and also to supplement their income by offering additional services to their patients.
   Physicians and hospitals are looking for massage therapists who have graduated from an accredited massage school, has completed their state licensure and has up-to-date career enhancement credits. Fortunately for you, the Institute of Therapeutic Massage meets and exceeds all of these qualifications and we can provide you with the education needed to compete for these sought-after jobs. 
   We are working on updating the Career Enhancement section of our website with easier navigation and more information. Please visit our site at  www.iotm.edu/workshopceu.html for a detailed explanation of the classes we offer. Remember, these classes are not offered at any other area massage school and we offer 100 hours as part of your core curriculum, at no extra cost.

Author: Katie Gerdeman

1Consumer Survey Fact Sheet" American Massage Therapy Association. n.p., n.d. Web.
Ohio State School Registration #02-0520-1636T