17 February 2014

The Power of Touch

All human beings, from infant to elderly, need the power of touch to sustain us. So many of us go day to day, living our lives and not touching or being touched by others. You will not notice the effects right away, but lack of touch will eventually negatively effect your mood, confidence and even your health.

As a baby, you required touch from your mom and dad to develop both psychologically and physically. Infants who are touched on a regular basis gain weight and grow at better rates than those that do not. Massaging your baby can lower the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. At the Institute of Therapeutic Massage, we teach Infant Massage and you can become certified after enrolling and participating in this 7 hour career enhancement class. Infant Massage will be taught on June 3rd, and again on November 8th this year.

Adults also need to be touched, but it can be difficult to find the time. Touch can reduce your anxiety, lower your blood pressure, improve your outlook on life and bond you to your loved ones. All the more reason to get regular massages. The added bonus is that, as a Massage Therapist, you also benefit from giving the massage. The power of touch benefits the therapist in much the same ways as a massage client.

Our older population, unfortunately, receives the least amount of touch. Touch deprivation in old age is a very real problem and can lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety, pain, loneliness, boredom and helplessness. Perhaps you can make a difference in the life of an elderly person? IoTM also offers a Geriatric Massage Career Enhancement course. This 7 hour class is offered on March 4th and again on August 23rd this year.

As a Massage Therapist you can help people in so many ways with just the power of your touch. Start on the path to your new career in helping others today! There are many ways to contact us; call us at 866-897-0949, go on-line and fill out our form above or stop by today at the 311 Building in Downtown Lima.

1 comment:

  1. It is great to be reminded of this basic benefit of massage therapy. It is indeed a very special medium to enrich someone's life. Given it's personal nature, massage therapists are also endowed with great responsibilities: to respect boundaries, and create an environment which is safe and nuturing.
